New Objects

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The following table lists objects added to the Microsoft Office 2003 object model.

Object Description
DocumentLibraryVersion A single saved backup copy or version of a shared document.
DocumentLibraryVersions A collection of DocumentLibraryVersion objects.
Permission Manages document permissions; also, a collection of UserPermission objects.
SharedWorkspace Manages a document saved in a shared workspace.
SharedWorkspaceFile A file saved in a shared workspace.
SharedWorkspaceFiles A collection of SharedWorkspaceFile objects.
SharedWorkspaceFolder A subfolder in a shared workspace.
SharedWorkspaceFolders A collection of SharedWorkspaceFolder objects.
SharedWorkspaceLink A link saved in a shared workspace.
SharedWorkspaceLinks A collection of SharedWorkspaceLink objects.
SharedWorkspaceMember A user of a shared workspace.
SharedWorkspaceMembers A collection of SharedWorkspaceMember objects.
SharedWorkspaceTask A task saved in a shared workspace.
SharedWorkspaceTasks A collection of SharedWorkspaceTask objects.
SmartDocument Manages an attached XML expansion pack which transforms a document into a smart document.
Sync Manages the synchronization between the local copy and the server copy of a shared document.
UserPermission A set of permissions on a document for a single user.